FPHG Easements
Celebrating Georgetown’s History

Our History
By 1965 it was clear that the Old Georgetown Act of 1950 lacked the teeth necessary to save the Historic District. Historic houses were being demolished, open spaces crowded with new buildings and residential areas invaded by commercial and institutional activities. Further action was needed.
To meet the need, the Foundation was founded in 1965 by J. Noel Macy, and was established as a not-for-profit, Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, dedicated to preserving and protecting the Historic District of Georgetown which had been placed on the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
The first working committee consisted of Mrs. W. Randolph Burgess (who became the Foundation’s first president), Mrs. Helen I. Coolidge, Mrs. Carolyn Agger Fortas and Neill Phillips, Admiral, US Navy, Retired. Trustees included Dean Acheson, Secretary of State (1949-1953); David E. Finley, Director, National Gallery of Art (1938-1956) and Robert Hale, Member of Congress (1943-1959). The Foundation began working in three general areas: protection of historic structures through purchase, easement acquisition and funding of restoration; protection of residential areas from institutional incursion through vigorous legal action; and preservation of open space through grants and easements.